So much has happened to me since I last posted. Well I found out on Wednesday that my Uncle Henry died in North Carolina, so that means that I have to take that 6-hour drive alone. My mother & grandparents in tow. It was cool because we got to stop at the Waffle House in Richmond where you can get a whole breakfast (waffle, eggs, grits, sausage, toast & hot tea for only 7.00!!!).
But before we got to Richmond to chow down, we got stuck in an invisible traffic gridlock in Northern Virginia
But before we got to Richmond to chow down, we got stuck in an invisible traffic gridlock in Northern Virginia
Traffic & my leopard print steering wheel ;) |
Well as soon as we got through the traffic, I was doing 80 on Cruise Control in Black Thunder aka #TeamImpala !!! The ride down was good and I was glad to be in the car with my wonderful family. They are everything. The only bad part is that my cousin cooked a beef pot roast (I haven't eaten beef since before Thanksgiving...) and my stomach rejected it!! Pain!!! But it was good to be around my amazing cousins.
Mere at the Waffle House ;) |
I was so glad to get to Chapel Hill... I realize that I couldn't live there because everything (of value) is 10-15 miles away and it reminded me of living down the Eastern Shore of Maryland where I went to college! Everything is spaced out!! Can you say rural!!! But I would live in a main city like Raleigh or Greensboro. It was so peaceful to wake up to a rooster (Yes a ROOSTER) was crowing around 7:30am when I woke up. I didn't know where I was!!! But I knew I was safe!!!
Daybreak in Chapel Hill, North Carolina ;) |
The funeral and the proceedings were okay. I have never seen a vault being put underground, but I guess they do things differently in the South. So the same night all of my cousins came past (I was the 2nd youngest) and all of a sudden felt young! I normally feel old, but it was a good feeling that I am still young & tender (LOL) Good times in North Carolina!!!!
I had a good healthy time with no spikes in my blood sugar because I have been taking my medicine and checking my sugar regularly. I am proud of myself! I have diabetes, but diabetes doesn't have me!!
I had a good healthy time with no spikes in my blood sugar because I have been taking my medicine and checking my sugar regularly. I am proud of myself! I have diabetes, but diabetes doesn't have me!!
Okay... So my 28th birthday is in 2 weeks and I always get the blues around this time. It's a time for reflections.. Well relationship wise, I have been with 2 of the most raggedyist (yeah I made a word up) negroes known to man 1. not a job 2. not a car 3. children (no bueno) 4. just stupid !!! Jesus be a fence!!! Please defend me from raggedy men!!!! #Amen.
As I turn 28, no more excuses. If you don't have the basics, then I can't be with you. Plain & Simple!!
Oh... I got braids in & they look good. I'll take a picture once they stop hurting!! Gym & swimming #Leggo !!
Peace & Love,
Mere ❤
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